Level 516

Topic : Sports Full Phrase : The phrase “win hands down” was initially in reference to a jockey, who would win a race without pulling the reins of the horse or whipping the horse Level Phrase THE PHRASE “WIN HANDS DOWN” WAS INITIALLY IN REFERENCE TO A JOCKEY Questions & Answers Lower part of cheek…

Level 532

Topic : Flora Full Phrase : Lotus was considered a symbol of resurrection in Ancient Egypt, because the flower can bloom in flooded areas, but it can also survive for years during droughts and bloom again when it is watered Level Phrase ALSO SURVIVE FOR YEARS DURING DROUGHTS AND BLOOM AGAIN WHEN IT IS WATERED…

Level 517

Topic : Planet Earth Full Phrase : Ethiopia has a different calendar, which is similar to the Julian calendar people used to follow before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar. It means that the country is almost 8 years behind the Western calendar. They also have 13 months instead of 12 Level Phrase ETHIOPIA HAS…

Level 533

Topic : Flora Full Phrase : While cherry pits are unlikely to cause intoxication if swallowed whole, chewing on them might be dangerous, as cherry pits contain amygdalin – a chemical that your body converts into the toxic compound hydrogen cyanide Level Phrase WHILE CHERRY PITS ARE UNLIKELY TO CAUSE INTOXICATION IF SWALLOWED WHOLE Questions…

Level 518

Topic : Planet Earth Full Phrase : If you go deeper than 30 feet (9.14 m) underwater, blood will appear green to you, because there is no red light there Level Phrase IF YOU GO DEEPER THAN 30 FEET (9.14 M) UNDERWATER, BLOOD WILL APPEAR GREEN Questions & Answers This gas is used in balloons…

Level 534

Topic : High Culture Full Phrase : In 1961, Henri Matisse’s painting Le Bateau was hung upside down at New York’s Museum of Modern Art for 46 days before anyone noticed Level Phrase HENRI MATISSE’S PAINTING LE BATEAU WAS HUNG UPSIDE DOWN Questions & Answers Lawn ___ MOWER He bought a ___ sweatshirt to have…

Level 519

Topic : Planet Earth Full Phrase : Yakutsk is the coldest city in the world. It is located in Russian Siberia and has the average winter temperature of around -50° C (-58° F). The lowest temperature ever recorded there was -64.4° C (-83.9° F) Level Phrase YAKUTSK IS THE COLDEST CITY IN THE WORLD. IT…

Level 535

Topic : High Culture Full Phrase : Claude Monet had a father who disapproved of his painting, as he wanted him to be a grocer Level Phrase CLAUDE MONET HAD A FATHER WHO DISAPPROVED OF HIS PAINTING Questions & Answers Recreational area outside the house PATIO Classic pizza topping SALAMI Claude Monet is known for…

Level 520

Topic : Planet Earth Full Phrase : Although Denmark might seem like a tiny country, the Kingdom of Denmark, which includes Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, has the territory of 2,210,579 square km (853,509 square mi), making it the second largest in Europe after Russia Level Phrase ALTHOUGH DENMARK MIGHT SEEM LIKE A TINY…

Level 536

Topic : High Culture Full Phrase : Art is never finished, only abandoned Level Phrase ART IS NEVER FINISHED, ONLY ABANDONED Questions & Answers Grow faint FADE What animal is a symbol of peace? DOVE Birds lay eggs in them NESTS Yum! TASTY Elephant tusk material IVORY He kept a bad company and was led…