Level 271

Topic : Fauna Full Phrase : Stone fish, which is common in Australia, is almost impossible to notice among rocks at the bottom of the ocean, but it is the most venomous fish in the world and its sting, if untreated, can kill a person within 2 hours Level Phrase THE MOST VENOMOUS FISH IN…

Level 272

Topic : Fauna Full Phrase : Almost all sea snakes are venomous, and some of them are even more toxic than the King Cobra, one of the deadliest snakes in the world. It is linked to their evolution from the extremely poisonous snakes in Australia Level Phrase ALMOST ALL SEA SNAKES ARE VENOMOUS, AND SOME…

Level 273

Topic : Fauna Full Phrase : Giant sloths are actually very good swimmers and are capable of holding their breath for 40 minutes – longer than seals and dolphins Level Phrase HOLDING THEIR BREATH FOR 40 MINUTES – LONGER THAN SEALS AND DOLPHINS Questions & Answers Inward feeling SENSE Music distributed illegally BOOTLEG To lie…

Level 274

Topic : Fauna Full Phrase : The octopus has no bones, so it can fit even in the tiniest holes and enclosures, regardless of its size. This is how many of them managed to escape zoos which were not built with them in mind Level Phrase THE OCTOPUS HAS NO BONES, SO IT CAN FIT…

Level 275

Topic : Fauna Full Phrase : Rhinos can be extremely aggressive in the wild because they are nearly blind and incapable of telling the difference between a predator and an inanimate object, but in zoos they are reported to be very affectionate with people Level Phrase BUT IN ZOOS THEY ARE REPORTED TO BE VERY…

Level 276

Topic : Space Full Phrase : Jupiter’s Great Red Spot has shrunk by 40% in 150 years. It’s not really a spot but a huge storm, the strongest in the Solar System, and it’s been going on longer than Jupiter has been observed Level Phrase GREAT RED SPOT HAS SHRUNK BY 40% IN 150 YEARS….

Level 277

Topic : Space Full Phrase : There is no sound in space, it’s an eerily silent vacuum Level Phrase THERE IS NO SOUND IN SPACE, IT’S AN EERILY SILENT VACUUM Questions & Answers Free from bacteria STERILE Europa to Jupiter SATELLITE Don’t __, we will manage somehow DESPAIR Robin of Loxley was one ARCHER (syn.)…

Level 278

Topic : Space Full Phrase : Since every star has at least one planet rotating around it, the Milky Way galaxy is believed to contain a minimum of 100 billion planets. As a point of comparison, 1 billion seconds is nearly 32 years Level Phrase EVERY STAR HAS AT LEAST ONE PLANET ROTATING AROUND IT,…

Level 279

Topic : Space Full Phrase : The footsteps left on the surface of the Moon will remain there for millions of years, because the Moon has no atmosphere and therefore no wind Level Phrase THE FOOTSTEPS LEFT ON THE SURFACE OF THE MOON WILL REMAIN THERE Questions & Answers To remain in line CONFORM It…

Level 280

Topic : Space Full Phrase : Given the distance of our Sun from the center of the Milky Way, the Sun rotates around it once every 225-250 million years, which means the last time we were in this exact location was when the dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth Level Phrase THE DISTANCE OF OUR…